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AEW Dynamite Results for December 8, 2021


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the UBS Arena in Long Island, NY!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

MJF’s music played! Instead of MJF walking out, it was CM Punk who walked out onto the ramp!

“I don’t think anybody here expected this. I didn’t expect this,” said Taz.

“No, I think it shocked all of us,” replied Schiavone.

CM Punk grabbed the Mic.

CM Punk: “That’s all you got? Chicago was so much louder. MJF is your guy, right? That’s why I’m out here. The guy who said in my hometown, Chicago, that he is better than Roddy Piper in Portland. He’s not even better than Roddy Piper in Hell Comes to Frogtown.

“So here’s what I want. I wanted to see how you guys would all react to this. MJF is your guy. See when I was a kid I hated Dennis Rodman when he played for the Detroit Pistons. And then he played for the Chicago Bulls and then he was my worm. So I’m not mad at you. I just feel a little sorry for you.

“So next week AEW Champion ‘Hangman’ Adam Page faces “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson at Winter is Coming. And after that I’d like to get in the picture and I know MJF wants in too. So we need to settle this. So I’ll lay out the challenge. I want MJF and I want him one-on-one. And I don’t want him to run like they do in Long Island. I want him to stand and fight like they do in Chicago.

“And I don’t have an out for this. I want MJF versus CM Punk. And I’ll do it tonight. I don’t think he’ll agree to it. And I don’t think there’s a man in the building that’ll agree to it. And if that’s your guy, you’re all chicken s—t!”

The Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale!

The last two men standing will wrestle next week at AEW DYNAMITE: Winter is Coming for the Dimond Ring prize!

Long Island’s own MJF was out to the ring with Wardlow and Shawn Spears! Jay Lethal almost eliminated MJF at the start but Wardlow saved MJF!

Wardlow eliminated Lee Moriarty with a press slam over the top rope!

The Bunny slipped brass knuckles to Matt Hardy and he knocked out Jay Lethal and then eliminated him. As Hardy was celebrating, Dante Martin flipped Hardy over to the arena floor!

Powerhouse Hobbs and Wardlow, two big hosses, rammed into each other like two bulls colliding in the center of the ring! Lio Rush did a hand stand flip and kicked Hobbs out of the ring, eliminating one of the members of Team Taz!

MJF took a cheap shot at Dante Martin and the hometown crowd cheered him on. Lio Rush charged at MJF but Wardlow grabbed Lee Johnson and Lio Rush. MJF picked up Lee Johnson and Lio Rush over the top but in the process he eliminated Wardlow, like a sacrificial lamb. Frankie Kazarian charged at MJF but MJF ducked and sent Kaz flying over the top rope.

This left Dante Martin, Ricky Starks and MJF. Dante Martin turned around at Ricky Starks and hoisted him over the top rope! Dante Martin tore off his FTW armband!

“We got swerved by Dante Martin!” said Taz.

Dante Martin and MJF will be wrestling next week. MJF walked out of the ring and then Ricky Starks jumped into the ring and blindsided Dante Martin. MJF was at the top of the ramp, conflicted, and he charged at the ring. MJF looked at Ricky Starks and then he and Starks continued the beat down on Dante Martin.

CM Punk rushed to the ring but MJF retreated. Ricky Starks puffed his chest at CM Punk. Dante Martin kicked Starks behind the head and then Punk hit the GTS on Starks!

The Acclaimed—“Platinum” Max Caster & Anthony Bowens—and 2point0—Matt Lee & Jeff Parker (with Daniel Garcia) vs. Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus—and—Varsity Blonds—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr. (with Christian Cage and Julia Hart)!

Christian Cage gave Jurassic Express a pep talk and then headed to the back.

Jungle Boy and Anthony Bowens began the match for their respective teams. Bowens shoulder tackled Jungle Boy. He blasted Jungle Boy in the chest with a stiff chop. Caster tagged in but Jungle Boy took down Caster with a hurracanrana.

2point0 came in and Jungle Boy single handedly cleared the ring of all four men! Griff Garrison soared over the top rope and landed on all four members of the opposition. The Varsity Blonds used some combo offense and Pillman hit a beautiful high dropkick.

Bowens stomped on Pillman in the corner and 2point0 taunted Pillman. Jeff Parker hit a back heel kick on Pillman for a near fall. Pillman backdropped Parker but Caster tagged in and prevented Pillman from tagging out.

Jeff Parker tagged in and put the pressure on Pillman. Bowens tagged in and kicked Pillman directly in the face. The Acclaimed tried to suplex Pillman but Pillman escaped with double knees and tagged in Luchasaurus!

Luchasaurus stacked up the opposition and splashed them! He double clotheslined 2point0! Luchasaurus sandwiched The Acclaimed with a double chokeslam! Pillman tagged in and hit Bowens with a fisherman’s falcon arrow! Daniel Garcia jumped onto the apron but Eddie Kingston ran down and pulled Garcia down and rammed him into the steel ring steps!

Max Caster tried for the Mic Drop but Jungle Boy locked in the Snare Trap and forced Caster to tap!

Kingston took the camera man backstage with him. Ortiz was back there with Kingston. Daniel Garcia and 2point0 jumped Kingston and Ortiz. Garcia screamed “Buffalo!” at Kingston and pointed his finger in anger!

FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood—were backstage with Tully Blanchard!

Wheeler: “Lucha Brothers, you have never beaten FTR. Your only victory was a fluke. I was illegal. We are the torch bearers of tag team wrestling.”

Harwood: “Friday night on RAMPAGE, we become the first ever two-time AEW Tag Team Champions. Top Guys…out!”

The Young Bucks (with Adam Cole #BayBay & Brandon Cutler) vs. CHAOS—Rocky Romero & “The Kentucky Gentleman” Chuck Taylor (with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy)!

Rocky and Nick locked up. Nick Jackson had wrist control on Rocky but Rocky hip tossed Nick. Rocky followed up with a dropkick. Rocky pulled Nick down with a deep arm drag.

Chuck Taylor tagged in but Matt Jackson grabbed a blind tag. Taylor wasted no time and sent Matt Jackson head first into the corner. The Young Bucks fired back with tandem offense but Rocky hit a tope suicida on Nick Jackson. Matt Jackson dropkicked Rocky!

Back in the ring, Rocky fired a right-handed knife edge chop at Matt Jackson. Nick hit a senton fist drop on Rocky. Chuck Taylor tagged in and hit a DDT/flatliner combo on the Bucks! He followed up with a tope con hiro on the Bucks! Chuck turned around to taunt Cutler but the Bucks caught him with superkicks. They superkicked Romero next!

Matt set up Chuck Taylor on the outside and Nick Jackson flattened him with a flipping senton.

“This has been all Young Bucks since the action spilled to the outside,” said Excalibur.

“Notice the pacing. The Bucks are going at their pace,” added Taz.

Nick Jackson blasted Chuck Taylor with another senton in the ring! Adam Cole shocked Orange Cassidy with a pump kick on the outside!

Rocky finally got the tag in, harkening back to his days as a Forever Hooligan with running clotheslines to the Bucks. He hit the running sliced bread on Matt Jackson for a near fall, very nearly pulling off the upset!

Matt Jackson tried for three Northern Lights suplexes, but before the third, Rocky countered with a DDT! Brandon Cutler jumped in the ring with the cold spray and distracted ref Rick Knox. Brandon Cutler accidentally sprayed Matt Jackson with the cold spray instead of Rocky, and Rocky almost got the pin on Matt!

Romero nailed Matt with a heel kick! Matt Jackson countered Romero and the Bucks finished off Rocky with the Meltzer Driver for a near fall!

“That was sensational. These four guys tore it up,” said Tony Schiavone.

Adam Cole and the Bucks began to stomp a mudhole into Orange Cassidy. Wheeler Yuta ran down but he was outnumbered. Adam Cole spiked Orange Cassidy with the Panama Sunrise! Cole and the Bucks were about to attempt the three-way BTE Trigger until…

Sue, Trent’s mom, pulled up in the minivan. Trent was in the van! Trent returned and speared Cutler! Trent charged into the ring and sent Nick Jackson for a ride with a half and half! He cleaned house on the SuperKliq!

The Best Friends hugged because you’ve got to give the people what they want!

Ruby Soho was backstage being interviewed by Alex Marvez.

They were interrupted by The Bunny and Penelope Ford! The Bunny said that after Nyla wins the TBS Championship, The Bunny and Penelope Ford would be first in line for a match. They challenged Ruby to a match this Friday. Nyla ambushed Ruby until Tay Conti and Anna Jay evened up the odds!

TNT Champion Sammy Guevara was being interviewed by Tony Schiavone when “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes came out.

Cody said Tony Khan just announced that he’d be facing Sammy in the next open challenge match!

“All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky were up in the rafters. Ethan Page said Dan Lambert is coming back and Lambert is going to get them a shot at the open challenge. Sammy wouldn’t back down from The Men Of The Year and encouraged them to come on down!

Jamie Hayter (with AEW Women’s Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. & Rebel) vs. Riho!

Hayter scoop slammed Riho. Hayter swatted Riho out of the way when Riho attempted a dropkick. Hayter charged in but Riho countered with a drop toe hold. Riho connected with a diving cross body press for a near fall!

Riho jumped off the top turnbuckle to the outside but Hayter caught her and then rammed her into the steel ring post!

Back in the ring, Hayter rammed Riho into the turnbuckles. Hayter rocked Riho with a vertical suplex. Jamie Hayter stomped all over Riho. Hayter reversed the leverage of Riho and whipped her into the turnbuckles.

“She has beaten Riho apart,” said Schiavone.

Riho rolled up Hayter out of desperation and then double stomped Hayter! Britt Baker was silenced on the outside of the ring. Riho stuck Hayter with a Dragon Suplex! Hayter rallied back with a brainbuster for a near fall! Then Hayter spiked Riho with a back breaker!

“Wow! How tough is Riho?” Taz wondered.

Hayter charged in and Riho met her with a leaping knee strike! Riho very nearly scored a victory with a Code Red on Hayter! Riho, like a lightning bolt, dropped the diving foot stomp on Jamie Hayter!

Riho climbed back up the turnbuckles but Hayter met her up there. Hayter tried to superplex Riho but Riho sent her back to the mat with hammer fists. Rebel grabbed Riho’s ankle and Hayter climbed back up top. Riho sent Hayter crashing with the crucifix bomb and then the running knee! Riho pinned Hayter!

Dr.Britt Baker and Rebel jumped into the ring after the match! Baker applied the Lock Jaw on Riho, trying to incapacitate her before their upcoming match!

Taz had an announcement! “This Friday on RAMPAGE, we send Hook and he’ll face Fuego Del Sol!”

Tony Schiavone was out to interview The Varsity Blonds on the ramp when the arena lights turned out! Malakai Black appeared out of the darkness! Malakai Black blew the black mist into the eyes of Julia Hart. She screamed in agony! The lights turned back on and Malakai Black was gone!

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Dark Order’s John Silver!

Bryan ran off the ropes and smashed Silver with a shoulder block. They locked up and Silver nailed Bryan with a shoulder block of his own and then Silver flexed!

Bryan Danielson stormed Silver with kicks. Silver fired back with roundhouse kicks! Danielson dropped to a knee but lured Silver to the outside. Danielson rocked Silver with strong European Uppercuts. Danielson dropped a diving knee on the back of Silver’s head!

Danielson jumped off the turnbuckles but Silver countered with a powerbomb. Danielson and Silver traded kicks! Silver rolled through with a heel hook! Danielson rolled to the bottom rope to get the rope break!

Silver launched himself with a cannonball senton onto Danielson outside the ring! Back in the ring, Silver used a German Suplex on Danielson but Danielson landed on his feet!

“Danielson’s not even breathing heavy,” said Taz.

Silver tripped Danielson and sent Danielson flying with a German Suplex! Silver was looking for the Spin Doctor finisher but Danielson gouged Silver’s eyes. Danielson hammered down with elbows on Silver. Danielson picked up Silver and spiked him with a Gotch style piledriver. Danielson went for the Le Bell Lock but Silver was knocked out and the ref stopped the match!

After the match, Danielson grabbed a Mic. Danielson said he promised to kick in Silver’s head. AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page sprinted to the ring, throwing fists at Danielson!

“Next week, I’m gonna stomp the cowboy s—t out of you,” said AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page!

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday on TNT featuring:

-AEW Tag Team Title Match! AEW Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros vs. AAA Tag Champs FTR!

-Ruby Soho, Anna Jay, & Tay Conti vs. Nyla Rose, The Bunny, & Penelope Ford!

-Adam Cole (with The Young Bucks and Bobby Fish) vs. Wheeler Yuta (with The Best Friends)!

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE: Winter is Coming live on TNT from the Curtis Cullwell Center in Garland, TX featuring:

-The Dynamite Diamond Final—MJF vs. Dante Martin!

-Serena Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida!

-Plus the AEW World Championship is on the line as champ “Hangman” Adam Page faces challenger “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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